Fecal Incontinence Specialist

Boca Care Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County

Avraham Belizon, MD, FACS, FASCRS

Colon and Rectal Surgeon & Minimally Invasive Surgery located in Boca Raton, FL

If it’s becoming increasingly difficult to make it to the bathroom in time for a bowel movement, you may have a condition known as fecal incontinence. At Boca Care Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County, experienced colon and rectal surgeon, Avraham Belizon, MD, FACS, FASCRS, offers customized treatment plans and minimally invasive, robotic surgery to address the root cause of your incontinence. Find out more about your treatment options for fecal incontinence by calling the office in Boca Raton, Florida, or requesting an appointment online today.

Fecal Incontinence Q&A

What is fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence is an inability to control your bowel movements. As a result, stool leaks from your rectum.

The groups of muscles in the rectum and the wall of your anus are responsible for keeping stool in the rectum. Fecal incontinence is often the result of changes in your bowel movements, like diarrhea or hard stools, that affect the strength of these muscles.

Aging can also cause muscle weakness that leads to stool leakage. You may also develop fecal incontinence if you have nerve damage from childbirth or surgery that interferes with the function of your rectum.

You should seek a diagnostic evaluation if you have fecal leakage not related to diarrhea, if you can’t reach the bathroom in time, or are unable to hold in gas.

How is fecal incontinence diagnosed?

During your evaluation for fecal incontinence, Dr. Belizon takes time to review your medical history and your symptoms. He performs a physical exam and rectal exam to identify possible causes for your incontinence.

In-office diagnostic tests for fecal incontinence include anal manometry, a procedure that uses a short, flexible tube to measure the strength of your anal sphincter muscles, and proctosigmoidoscopy, which involves exploring your rectum and colon with a slender tube and an attached video camera.

How is fecal incontinence treated?

The goal of treating fecal incontinence is to restore the normal function of your bowels and help you regain control over your bowel movements. Initially, you may benefit from dietary changes and special exercises to improve strength in your anal muscles. Medications can help control severe diarrhea and treat chronic constipation.

If your sphincter muscles are weak or damaged, Dr. Belizon may suggest surgery to repair it. He uses robotic, minimally invasive surgical techniques to access the damaged anal muscles without causing unnecessary trauma to your body. Minimally invasive surgery allows you to heal faster than with traditional surgery, and you’re at less risk for bleeding, scarring, and infection.

Following surgery, you may need to eat a high-fiber diet and avoid foods that may cause additional fecal incontinence issues, such as dairy products and greasy or spicy foods.

If you’re experiencing unexpected stool leakage or having difficulty controlling your bowels, call Boca Care Surgical Associates of Palm Beach County or request an appointment through the online booking system.