5 Ways to Lower Your Risk for Colon Cancer

5 Ways to Lower Your Risk for Colon Cancer

The American Cancer Society reports that colon and rectal cancer may strike as many as 1 in 25 people in the United States. In most cases, the cause of colon cancer isn’t known. There are, however, many known factors that contribute to raising the risk of colon cancer. 

Some of these risk factors are out of your control. Getting older or having a family history of the disease can increase your chances, as can intestinal conditions like colitis and Crohn’s disease. You have a choice when it comes to other risk factors in your life. 

Screening for colon cancer is the best way to discover the disease in its early stages. Boca Care Surgical Associates specializes in comprehensive colon cancer treatment and they can help you through all of its stages, from precancerous polyps to more advanced conditions. We’ve prepared a list of five ways to lower your risk for colon cancer. 

1. A colon-friendly diet

Dietary fiber is vegetable matter that isn’t digested and absorbed. Instead, it has the role of carrying waste through your intestines for disposal. While it doesn’t provide nutrients to the body, it does keep your intestines healthy and performing well. 

Also known as bulk or roughage, fiber typically comes from fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Diets high in these tasty choices naturally deliver high levels of fiber. Choosing lean proteins also helps reduce cancer risk, as does lower levels of red meats from beef, lamb, and pork. Processed meats like hot dogs and lunch meats also have a connection with increased cancer risks. 

2. Controlling your body mass

Your colon-friendly diet can also support weight loss, particularly if you’re avoiding processed foods with high levels of unhealthy fat. Obesity and excess body weight is a known colon cancer risk factor, so shedding pounds also sheds your cancer risk. 

3. Increased activity

An inactive lifestyle is a key risk contributor to colon cancer, but there’s no need to embark on a hardcore exercise regimen to change the slate. Your body thrives on movement and moderate activities like walking, yoga, swimming, or cycling contribute to functions in your body beyond simply cardiovascular health. Adding 30 minutes of modest activity, five times a week, can help promote regularity in combination with your new high fiber diet as well as making weight loss easier and more likely. 

4. Quit smoking

Long-time smokers are much more likely to develop serious cases of colon cancer on top of all the other health hazards associated with tobacco use. Chances are you have more than one reason to quit already. You can add reducing colon cancer risk to the list. Smoking cessation is the best way that tobacco users can improve and extend the quality of their lives. 

5. Reduce or eliminate alcohol

Alcohol use is a major preventable risk for many forms of cancer including colon cancer. Using alcohol is a factor in 6% of all cancer cases as well as in 4% of cancer deaths. The best course of action eliminates all alcohol, though if you continue to drink, you can reduce the risks by limiting your intake. 

These five risk reducers, combined with regular screening, can keep you safe against colon cancer. When you need treatment, contact Boca Care Surgical Associates for the finest leading-edge treatments. You can reach our office by phone or online. Book your consultation today. 

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